I'm a native Muslim, born as a Muslim, from Muslim family, Muslim society, and the biggest Muslim population in this world, Indonesia, exactly in West Sumatera - Pesisir Selatan (South Coast)- Long Grass, a small village. Born as a Muslim didn't make me realize that 'there is a live after the death'. My journey to Islam began in the first year of college. At the moment I did recite Qur'an and the meaning, then decided to 'convert' in the truly meaning, made testimony by saying Ashhadualaa illaaha ilallaah, then I just felt I was a Muslim! For the first time I covered my head with hijab. I learned again about Islam from ZERO. Yaa Allah, guide me to Your way, don't let me get lost in this noname earth. Yaa Rabb...protect me and guide me always to Your way of light...
Ishadu baina Muslima...
I'm a Muslim, and proud to be